4 results
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Bedroom in Luxembourg-Bonnevoie


number of rooms


950 €
Bedroom in Luxembourg-Bonnevoie


number of rooms


1 000 €
Studio in Luxembourg-Merl


number of rooms


1 250 €
Furnished flat in Dudelange


number of rooms






1 800 € loads : 350€

Find a real estate property for rent with HD33


Apartment, House, Room, Parking, office in Luxembourg

The great disparity of rents in the Grand-Duchy and the tense market, makes it natural to appeal of an agency, to find the rental of a real estate property.
Whatever your seeking concerns (apartment, house, studio, room, parking, commercial surface), HD33 draws in its “savoir-faire” and professional resources, to find what you need. Even better, as a real estate problem solver, our experts sometimes overgo your expectations.


Luxembourg, a place to live

The rental market in Luxembourg, being very dynamic, encountering important rental variations depending on the areas. Of course, Luxembourg-city, counts over half of the rental announcements. Surrounding communes such as Strassen, Bertrange, Kopstal and Niederanven, are the most requested, but communes such as Waldbillig, Goesdorf, Hosingen and Troisvierge offer by far more attractive rental prices.

Therefore, it is imperative to appeal to a competent real estate agency, such as HD33. Whatever your seeking concerns (apartment, co-living, studio, room) our experts will analyze your financial capacity and seek for the appropriate property.  

A specific need

HD33 agency, may also intervene in a particular seeking such as parking place and garage. In Luxembourg, parking possibilities are highly sought. Of course, in Luxembourg-city, large and spacious parking spots are the most expensive and highly demanded, by SUV owners. On other hand exterior parking spots in surrounding communes, are price wise more attractive.

Due to its perfect knowledge of the real estate rental market of the Grand-Duchy, HD33 accompanies you, to find the parking place, or any other specific need. As a real estate problem solver, we will explore all the possibilities, even those that you didn’t pretend of, in the perspective of simplifying your daily tasks.  

A professional property

Essentially concentrated in Luxembourg-city and surroundings, office real estate is constantly influenced by new working tendencies. Currently with the home-office, and the need of reorganizing working spaces. Time is up for flexible and agile solutions. Renting professional surfaces, is a privileged respond of companies.

The HD33 experts will analyze the needs of today, and more particularly the ones of tomorrow, to guideline a short midterm adapted real estate solution to the company. Together we will optimize the perfect size and organization of the commercial surface, in order to accompany the development of the company.